The leader whom I admire the most

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The Leader that I admire the Most.

Everyone can become a boss,only few can become leaders.Likewise,I am not saying becoming a leader is easy,but it does take a certain amount of patience and pain to become one.If your actions inspire others to dream more,learn more,do more,and become more,you are a leader.Today,I am going to talk about one such leader,my father.

My father is the leader whom I admire the most because despite the struggles and challenges he had faced so far,never once had he complaint nor regretted what he went through.I am not saying my dad is the greatest out there,but for me he is the best dad in the world.Not many of my friends know that my dad is a very sick person.Only my close relatives and family friends know about his medical condition.Like every other story,my one also has a beginning.

Back in the year 2002,my dad met with an accident which caused him backbone injury.In medical terms,my dads cervical bone,C4&C5 had moved and this caused him to have cervical spondylysis.I was around six years old at that time,and little did I know my dad had this medical problem.I was informed by my mother that dad met with an accident and had to do bone surgery.He was admitted at the Kuala Lumpur general hospital at that time and had his surgery done.But as his injuries were quite critical, the doctor did an MRI scan and found that he had multilevel prolapse disc.The operation was successful,but my dad was bedridden for the next few months.I used to visit him whenever i get the chance.Our house is at seremban,and sometimes only weekdays i get to see him in the hospital.

This went on for a while until one day back in the year 2005,when he suddenly had a brain stroke in the hospital.My mom got a call from KLGH and we rushed to the hospital in no time.He had a brain stem stroke and since his condition after the surgery was bedridden,there was nothing much that we could do at that time.I did not know what my dad was going through and all i could do at that time was putting my faith in God.The doctors gave us an option,either we can admit him there and monitor him,or discharge him and bring him home.For weekly checkups,the specialist will come to the Seremban GH and we can bring him there for regular check ups.The chief surgeon told my mom that it is a fifty fifty scenario,either he will recover or stay bedridden,only time can tell.By gods grace,he finally recovered to a decent state and could move his fingers slightly now and then.

In the year 2008,he was recovered to full heath after being bedridden for sometime,and he was back at his job.But things did not turn out well as one day he felt a sharp pain in his chest and was admitted in KLGH again.This time it was a disaster.He was diagonesed with mysignia.Mysignia is a health condition where the heart can stop beating at any time,literally its like a heart attack.I was at standard six at that time and just got my UPSR results.When i got to know this,I was sad as eventhough i got straight As,the happiness isnt the same when your dad isnt there to celebrate it.Like the saying goes,when the going gets tough,the tough gets going.My mom was there to support me through this hard time.He was discharged from the hospital and was on medical leave for a few weeks.

As if things arent enough yet,later on the same year he had his second stroke and this time it was quite bad.He had facial palsy stroke.A condition where half your body functions and other half is paralysed.This time he was admitted and the doctors kept him under observary for a few weeks.He was also diagnosed with upper neuron motor malfunction and his condition was very bad at that time.The doctors gave up hope and just kept reminding us to pray for him.During the coma,my dad can understand what others can speak but sadly he cant reply.This went on for a while,until in the year 2010,when he suddenly woke up from his coma and it was a medical miracle.I was form 2 at that time and I wasnt informed about this news at that time.My dad wanted to keep it a secret.He was discharged from the hospital and he came straight to my school to surprise me,my dad was the guru kaunseling in my school and his absence there due to his medical problems is well known to the teachers.The disciplinary teacher called me to his room,and i was quite confused as it was the disciplinry room i was called into.Anyway,I went to meet him,and inside the room,was my dad sitting in a chair,smiling and waved at me.That was,is and will be the most happiest day of my life till now.

I learned a lot of things from him.Patience is something you must have in your life.Good things take time and never stop putting your faith in the Almighty.Things will go wrong now and then,but what matters the most is that we should face our problems calmly in any situation.Fate does not choose people,it will do its job.We are the ones entitled to change our fate,either to something good or something bad.All i know is in any situation in life,i will never give up hope and continue fighting eventhough its dark everywhere.
