Organisational Goals : STAFFING

Staffing Objectives
Human resources managers are first concerned with ensuring that the business is properly staffed, and thus able to pull in the human resources it needs. This involves designing organizational structures and identifying under what type of contract different employee groups will work. The right people are then recruited and developed. HR managers compete in the job market to ensure only the best and talented employees are recruited to assist in meeting the company goals and objectives such as profitability.

1.   Introduction to staffing
Staffing is now recognized as a separate management function. The reason of separating the staffing from organizing is to give proper emphasis to the actual manning of organizational roles. It takes the greater role of modern management. Management has rapid advancement of technology, increasing size of organizations and complex behavior of human beings. Management needs importance in the staffing pattern.
Staffing is that process of management which is concerned with obtaining utilizing and maintaining a satisfactory and satisfied workforce.
Its purpose is to be established and maintain sound personnel relations at all levels in the organization so as to effective use by personnel to attain the objectives of the organization and to provide personal and social satisfaction which personnel want. Staffing consists of wide range of a interrelated activities.
According to Koontz and O’Donnell, “The managerial function of staffing involves manning the organizational structure through proper and effective selection, appraisal and development of personnel to fill the roles designed into the structure”

2.   Guidelines for staffing
·       Staffing ensures that all positions in the organization are occupied by right persons who are competent and willing to discharge their responsibilities duly.
·       The planning of an organization must be based on the typical nature and needs of the enterprise. Job analysis offers information about the job contents, job duties and personal qualities for the job.
·       Scientific selection, training, compensation and appraisal are based upon the information given by job analysis. Planned staffing function assures better employee qualities and employee performance.
·       Manpower inventory and forecasts are obtained on the basis of corporate objectives and manpower analysis. It gives realistic picture for new additions through recruitment and selection.
·       Open competition in selection and placement assures employment of most competent and qualified staff in the organization.
·       Scientific training and development of all employees will build up adequate and fully competent staff to give the best productivity with minimum control.
·       Training and development plans and programmers will be an ongoing process as staffing function insists on employee excellence and employee satisfaction on the jobs.

3.   Features of staffing
§  1Staffing is a universal function. It is the responsibility of every manager. In large organizations there exists generally a personnel department. But this department only advises and helps the line managers in performing the staffing function.
§  Every manager is continuously engaged in performing the staffing function to ensure successful functioning of his department and to develop his successors.
§  Staffing is a dynamic function. It is a never ending process. Management of human resources is a delicate task requiring sustained or regular efforts. With changes in the size and environment of the organization, changes take place in personnel.
§  Staffing cannot be entrusted fully to personnel department of any other service department. Its scope is very wide.
§  The basic purpose of staffing is the accomplishment of organizational goals through team spirit and optimum contribution from every employee.

4.   Elements of staffing
v Procurement:
Employment of proper number and kind of personnel is the first function of staffing. This involves,
(a) Manpower planning
(b) Recruitment
(c) Selection
(d) Placement
It deals with proper quality and quantity of personnel to be recruited for specific jobs according to their ability.
v Development:
After placing the individuals on various jobs. It is necessary to train them so that they can perform their jobs efficiently.
v Healthy Atmosphere:
It involves developing a sense of belonging to the enterprise. Sound communication system is required to develop harmony and team spirit among of all employees. Effective machinery is required for the quick and satisfactory redressed of all problems and grievances.
It is essential to motivate employees towards the accomplishment of organisational goals. Discipline and labor relations are important elements of integration.
v Compensation:
Compensating personnel means determining adequate and proper remuneration of personnel for their contributions to the organizational goal.
v Maintenance:
Maintenance involves provision of such facilities and services that are required to maintain the physical and mental health of employees from pre-employment to post-employment. It includes health, safety, and comfort of employees. Various welfare services may consist of provision of restrooms, counseling, group insurances, recreation club, education of children of employees etc.

5.   Importance of staffing
Effective staffing provides the following benefits. These are given below:
Ø It makes of higher performance by placing right persons on the right job.
Ø It helps in finding of competent personnel.
Ø It improves job satisfaction.
Ø It means optimum utilization of human resources.
Ø It ensures employees to continue for whole life.

6.    Policies of staffing
It leads with good characteristics such as:
ü It should be simple and precise.
ü It should be permanent.
ü Proper communication.
ü It should be applicable both employer and employees.
ü It should be uniform.
ü It should be flexible.
ü It should be acceptable to the employees.

