Leadership Style By Influencing People

Leadership Style By Influencing People


There are a lot of leader outside and they have their own style in order to achieve an organization goal. There are few of leadership ship style such as control, plan, organize, staffing and influence. This entry I will explain on how to be a leader through influencing people.

Leadership can be define as the ability to attain objectives by working with, and through people, both individual employees and work groups. Influence leadership is one of the most effective approaches to leading a team or an organization is to lead from a strong set of values. It believed that values are the main core of a person that they hold most dear and derive in decision making.


From my research through the internet I found out that there few keys to influence others in effective way. First of all as a leader we should political savvy where we have to embrace organizational political to move team and initiative forward.

Next to influence people we should get self-promotion by cut through the noise with authentic credible self-promotion to help yourself as a leader and the other. This can be done in many ways such as you should bring out your idea without hesitation provided that it is logic and ideal for the organization.

Trust-building also important key to achieve a successful leadership by influence. As a leader we must build and maintain trust it is essential to guide people through risk and changes in an organization. Many leader build the rust among team or employees but they failed to maintain it. In order to maintain the trust as leader we should never break any promises, walk the talk! Next be rational in giving any order toward employees.


So we have gone through the keys now what is the type that a leader should possess?  Democratic leadership will the most effective where it encourage team member to make decision take charge of any events and sharing thought.


Well I guess that’s all I can share on leadership through influencing. I really hope that my post this time will help you a lot in order to be a successful leader one day. If you have comments or ideas to improve more on this matter just fill up comment box below I really appreciate your thought.

Akmal Razak
