Leadership On Board ship

Leadership On Board ship

You might heard about seafarer who working on board sailing around the world. But I wonder if you ever heard that it is essential to have a good leadership in order to maintain safety on board ship.

I will share my experience on board which it really thought me how to be a good leader one day. I’ve been on board Bunga Kelana 10 about five months and the ship is due for dry dock maintenance we prepared the hip prior dry dock at You Lian Dry Dock in china.


On 18 May 2017, Bunga Kelana 10 ship which I serve as cadetship the ship is about the enter dry dock from Zulu anchorage near Shekau in China. We already had pilot on board and proceeding to You Lian dry dock but unfortunately our draft Is too low made the propeller submerge not more than 60% so Pilot decided to return back to the anchorage and he disembarked our vessel immediately.

After that Captain took charge to bring ship to the anchorage. Suddenly a ro-ro ships come out the anchorage and making way to the dry dock. At a point where both vessel in head on situation. As Per the Convention to Avoid Collision At Sea 1972 (COLREG) both vessel shall alter her course to starboard and pass port to port. But my Captain decided that to alter course to port because the anchorage is on our port side.


We contacted the ro-ro vessel to make clear our intention, as the communication made they acknowledge our intention and will keep well clear from our vessel. They made an alteration to port after the communication but after a while the vessel made a large alteration to starboard which impede our passage. Now both vessel were in close quarter situation.


I could see the vessel clearly approached us in close range, I couldn’t move even an inch. At that moment I saw the important of having an old man who we called Captain. Without hesitation he pulled over the wheel to starboard side and put the engine on full astern. We passed the vessel about four cables and avoid the collision. Then we proceeded to the same anchorage and stand by for next order.


Through the situation happen that day I learnt that a leader will really need in crucial time. Also a leader should always steady in making decision because a decision with emotional will be not rational and might be a good decision at all. Lastly, the situation gave a chance to apply knowledge as per COLREG.

Frankly I hope we can learn from other mistake like my experience here and try to improve ourself day by day to be a good CAPTAIN one day , amin~ . :D

Akmal Razak
